Friday, January 16, 2009

Winter Break...(with my b-day)...

Happy New Year, people!!!!! Did you guys all have great winter breaks? My most of my friends went travel to different countries while I stayed in Malaysia. My dad was busy with his work and my sister had no free time since she has to study and my mom said that I can spend time studying during this winter break. The first two weeks, I couldn’t make any contact with any of my friends, not even in MSN!!!!! I really wanted to go back to the school though I didn't wanted to work on projects or do homeworks.

During my free time, I went shopping to KLCC and Pavillion with my mom and sister. This winter break, i think it was good to spend time with family. I had more time talking and playing with my sister since she usually doesn't have time to chat with me on school days.

My birthday was on January 9th before the school starts, I didn't or couldn't do my b-day party with my friends since they are all away. So I did a small family party with awesome chocolate cake, but unfortunately they all FORGOT my birthday PRESENTS!!!!! Anyway, I turned twelve this year and I hope 2009 will be happier, funner, and more exciting with many experiences like Malaysia week (which is coming closer!). and again...(to everyone)!!!